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 Issues created by fingus
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IssueID  Type  Title  Severity  Status  Status Date  Status Comment  Comments  
232  Suggestion  Open new Tab by click on an empty Tab  Medium  Closed Fixed  20090623 00:52  (fingus)  Fixed in 3.22  1  
233  Bug  Https brings up Error message  Minor  Closed  20090623 00:55  (fingus)    2  
242  Bug  Visit Webpages with altered SSL certificate  Minor  Closed Fixed  20090702 23:40  (fingus)    1  
244  Bug  umlaut domains urls don't work  Minor  Closed Fixed  20090706 23:06  (fingus)  Fixed in 3.16  0  
253  Bug  Webpage www.duesseldorf-international.de crashes OWB  Major  Closed Fixed  20090731 22:59  (fingus)  Fixed in 3.20  0  
378  Bug  Sometimes ISI exception  Minor  New  20100101 02:42  (fingus)    0  
381  Bug  Focus/Cursor isn't set to Find-Field when open it  Minor  Closed  20100106 23:26  (fingus)  Duplicate of #360  3  
530  Suggestion  FAVICONS on TABS  Medium  Closed  20100607 21:18  (fingus)    2  
531  Suggestion  FAVICONS in OWB Bookmarks  Minor  New  20100607 21:28  (fingus)    0  
540  Bug  Popup Tabs force window size smaller  Minor  Fixed  20100623 22:46  (fingus)    7  
594  Bug  Song-Title not shown in SkinFX Display on Startup  Major  New  20110105 23:15  (fingus)    0  
651  Bug  Quit by ESC-Key don´t work  Minor  Closed Fixed  20120816 11:28  (fingus)  Fixed in V1.1  1  
652  Bug  Weather Data don´t beeing updated  Major  Closed Fixed  20120816 11:31  (fingus)  Fixed in V1.1  0  
653  Suggestion  Compositing support  Major  In Progress  20130808 12:50  (fingus)  Introduced fixed with V53.4  0  
654  Suggestion  Resizeable Window  Major  Closed  20121010 11:57  (fingus)  Dropped with V53.1  0  
663  Suggestion  Ringio only if weather really changed  Minor  Closed Fixed  20120816 11:35  (fingus)  Fixed in V53.1  0  
664  Suggestion  Free configurable Ringio output  Minor  Closed Fixed  20130214 11:38  (fingus)  Introduced in V53.2  0  
762  Bug  CPU -Load is always at 100%  Minor  In Progress  20120424 21:14  (fingus)    2  
814  Suggestion  Add Close-, Iconify-, Info- and Resize-Gadged  Medium  Closed Fixed  20120818 10:44  (fingus)  Introduced with V53.1  0  
815  Suggestion  Workbench near Version-String  Minor  Closed Fixed  20120816 11:44  (fingus)  Introduced with V53.1  0  
816  Bug  In some languages Faranheit will be shown instead of °C  Minor  Closed Fixed  20120816 11:56  (fingus)  Fixed in V53.1  0  
817  Bug  In some languages mph will be shown instead of km/h  Major  Closed Fixed  20120823 20:43  (fingus)  Fixed in V53.1  0  
818  Bug  Programm Quits if there´s no icon or Tooltypes  Major  Closed Fixed  20120823 09:16  (fingus)  Fixed in V53.1  0  
823  Bug  Weather Server Offline  Major  Closed Fixed  20121010 11:56  (fingus)  Added a new Weather-API  0  
837  Suggestion  Catalog-Support  Major  Closed Fixed  20130808 12:44  (fingus)  Introducing with 53.3  0  
839  Suggestion  Add m/s to Windspeed  Medium  Closed Fixed  20130320 09:58  (fingus)  Introducing with 53.3  0  
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