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Title:Network browser based on WebKit core with GUI based on MUI.
Created:20110905 17:54 by orgin
 Issue details
Status:Closed FixedStatus Comment:fixed in 1.16
Title:APPDIR:OWB crash
Description:From time to time still some APPDIR issue --> crash

Crash log for task "APPDIR:OWB"
Generated by GrimReaper 53.5
Crash occured in module OWB at address 0x6CD7ACBC
Type of crash: DSI (Data Storage Interrupt) exception

Register dump:
GPR (General Purpose Registers):
0: 6CD7ACA4 504FD990 00000000 00000000 557F9DC8 020A9824 00001D20 00001EB8
8: 51EAE5A0 4F0419E0 01A4ACC0 021BDC56 00000014 506AF558 00000000 00000000
16: 557F9680 6CA2F240 00000000 51D5E4F0 56430000 504FDCB8 4F0419E0 51D717A0
24: 00000000 54552364 4F041FF8 504FDCB8 00000001 51EB0428 505C5738 51EB0428

FPR (Floating Point Registers, NaN = Not a Number):
0: nan 0 603 22
4: 10 29.8 79.8 22
8: 10 959 29.8 255
12: nan 1.37945e+09 0 0
16: 0 0 0 0
20: 0 0 0 8.88967e+20
24: 0 0 0 -8.71553e+228
28: 0 0 1.37945e+09 1.37945e+09

FPSCR (Floating Point Status and Control Register): 0xA2068100

SPRs (Special Purpose Registers):
Machine State (msr) : 0x0002F030
Condition (cr) : 0x28444084
Instruction Pointer (ip) : 0x6CD7ACBC
Xtended Exception (xer) : 0x20000005
Count (ctr) : 0x0181633C
Link (lr) : 0x6CD7ACA4
DSI Status (dsisr) : 0x00000000
Data Address (dar) : 0x00000000

680x0 emulated registers:
DATA: 58C5E58E 00000003 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
ADDR: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 504FD350
FPU0: 0 0 0 0
FPU4: 0 0 0 0

Symbol info:
Instruction pointer 0x6CD7ACBC belongs to module "OWB" (PowerPC)
Symbol: _ZN7WebCore26AnimationControllerPrivate24fireEventsAndUpdateStyleEv + 0x170 in section 1 offset 0x0034CC9C

Stack trace:
_ZN7WebCore26AnimationControllerPrivate24fireEventsAndUpdateStyleEv()+0x170 (section 1 @ 0x34CC9C)
_ZN7WebCore26AnimationControllerPrivate19animationTimerFiredEPNS_5TimerIS0_EE()+0x44 (section 1 @ 0x34CF60)
_ZN7WebCore5TimerINS_26AnimationControllerPrivateEE5firedEv()+0x30 (section 1 @ 0x34D624)
_ZN7WebCore12ThreadTimers24sharedTimerFiredInternalEv()+0x140 (section 1 @ 0x11A890)
_ZN7WebCore12ThreadTimers16sharedTimerFiredEv()+0x3c (section 1 @ 0x11A8F4)
_ZN7WebCore17fireTimerIfNeededEv()+0x30 (section 1 @ 0x10F5D4)
_ZN14WebViewPrivate21fireWebKitTimerEventsEv()+0x10 (section 1 @ 0xA5204)
_ZN7WebView21fireWebKitTimerEventsEv()+0x14 (section 1 @ 0x881E0)
_ZL28handleMM_OWBApp_WebKitEventsP6IClassPmP4_Msg()+0x78 (section 1 @ 0x4AC8)
_ZL8dispatchP6IClassPmP4_Msg()+0x310 (section 1 @ 0xC8C4)
muimaster.library:CustomClassDispatcher()+0xa0 (section 1 @ 0x40C4)
native kernel module intuition.library.kmod+0x000181fc
native kernel module intuition.library.kmod+0x00018420
native kernel module intuition.library.kmod+0x00008448
native kernel module intuition.library.kmod+0x00008088
_Z9main_loopv()+0x228 (section 1 @ 0x11D8)
main()+0x12c (section 1 @ 0x134C)
native kernel module newlib.library.kmod+0x00002094
native kernel module newlib.library.kmod+0x00002cf4
native kernel module newlib.library.kmod+0x00002eb8
_start()+0x170 (section 1 @ 0x170)
native kernel module dos.library.kmod+0x00022d9c
native kernel module kernel+0x0003bd20
native kernel module kernel+0x0003bda0

PPC disassembly:
6cd7acb4: 419e0018 beq- cr7,0x6CD7ACCC
6cd7acb8: 806902b0 lwz r3,688(r9)
*6cd7acbc: 81230000 lwz r9,0(r3)
6cd7acc0: 800901a8 lwz r0,424(r9)
6cd7acc4: 7c0903a6 mtctr r0

System information:

Model: AMCC PPC440EP V1.3
CPU speed: 799 MHz
FSB speed: 133 MHz

Machine name: Sam440EP
Memory: 1048576 KB
Extensions: bus.pci

Expansion buses
00:00.0 Vendor 0x1014 Device 0x027F
00:0A.0 Vendor 0x12D8 Device 0x8150
00:0C.0 Vendor 0x1002 Device 0x5960
Range 0: A8000000 - B0000000 (PREF.MEM)
Range 1: 00001000 - 00001100 (IO)
Range 2: B0000000 - B0010000 (MEM)
00:0C.1 Vendor 0x1002 Device 0x5940
Range 0: B8000000 - C0000000 (PREF.MEM)
Range 1: C0000000 - C0010000 (MEM)
00:0E.0 Vendor 0x1095 Device 0x3114
Range 0: 00001100 - 00001108 (IO)
Range 1: 00001108 - 00001110 (IO)
Range 2: 00001110 - 00001118 (IO)
Range 3: 00001118 - 00001120 (IO)
Range 4: 00001120 - 00001130 (IO)
01:04.0 Vendor 0x1013 Device 0x6005
Range 0: A0000000 - A0001000 (MEM)
Range 1: A0010000 - A0020000 (MEM)
01:05.0 Vendor 0x1033 Device 0x0035
Range 0: A0020000 - A0021000 (MEM)
01:05.1 Vendor 0x1033 Device 0x0035
Range 0: A0021000 - A0022000 (MEM)
01:05.2 Vendor 0x1033 Device 0x00E0
Range 0: A0022000 - A0022100 (MEM)

0x58cac168: ISO-8859-15.charset V52.1
0x596f3d48: italian_ISO-8859-15.language V52.1
0x021bdc56: exec.library V53.39
0x5ff66174: vilintuisup.library V0.9
0x5ff66048: cgxvideo.library V42.1
0x5ff6f0e0: cybergraphics.library V43.0
0x503ac188: xenbar.image V20.213
0x503ac0f0: Lamp.mcc V20.40
0x559e4f40: Gauge.mui V20.255
0x559e4e00: BetterString.mcc V11.25
0x559e4d60: Listtree.mcc V20.124
0x54dac58c: codesets.library V6.15
0x556eee58: minigl.library V2.5
0x5fce1210: Warp3D.library V53.18
0x58b79228: W3D_Avenger.library V53.1
0x5864cbd8: W3D_Napalm.library V53.1
0x558dd098: W3D_Permedia2.library V52.42
0x558dde98: W3D_R200.library V53.21
0x559e4b78: W3D_Picasso96.library V53.10
0x559e49a0: Aboutbox.mcc V20.42
0x5583856c: muilocale.library V20.363
0x559e4860: Popasl.mui V20.229
0x559e4720: Dtpic.mui V20.220
0x556f099c: muimaster.library V20.2351
0x55949204: asyncio.library V50.3
0x558ddc18: pthreads.library V53.9
0x558eede8: SubDock.docky V53.1
0x5632ebc8: Separator.docky V53.2
0x55b0ac10: slider.gadget V53.12
0x55b0a990: arexx.class V53.3
0x55b0a7b0: getfont.gadget V53.9
0x56326020: requester.class V53.18
0x55b0ab70: bitmap.image V53.9
0x55b0a850: getfile.gadget V53.11
0x567666b8: screenblanker.library V53.3
0x55b0a670: space.gadget V53.6
0x55b0a5d0: integer.gadget V53.10
0x5643c1c8: clicktab.gadget V53.39
0x58c47958: chooser.gadget V53.18
0x55b0a530: penmap.image V53.5
0x55b0a3f0: checkbox.gadget V53.9
0x56207278: listbrowser.gadget V53.52
0x58659770: string.gadget V53.16
0x55b0a350: scroller.gadget V53.13
0x5807f9d8: cs4281.audio V5.5
0x5fce2554: device.audio V6.2
0x58c47b94: filesave.audio V6.3
0x586c0104: usergroup.library V4.30
0x58964c30: jpeg.datatype V53.5
0x583ede48: emulation.library V53.1
0x58075ec0: bsdsocket.library V4.307
0x58266d30: mathieeedoubbas.library V52.1
0x583ec5f8: usbhidgate.library V52.2
0x5ff9dcec: hid.usbfd V53.8
0x583ea27c: textclip.library V52.2
0x589644b0: button.gadget V53.15
0x58964550: glyph.image V53.3
0x586b4830: window.class V53.50
0x58792508: popupmenu.class V53.2
0x58ceba58: popupmenu.library V53.8
0x589642d0: label.image V53.12
0x58792338: layout.gadget V53.19
0x58792410: bevel.image V53.6
0x58964230: drawlist.image V53.3
0x589640f0: ilbm.datatype V53.2
0x58c8bd60: png.datatype V53.6
0x58ced254: picture.datatype V53.6
0x58c48e34: asl.library V53.46
0x58ceb4f8: timezone.library V53.6
0x58ca7988: application.library V53.12
0x58c4715c: ft2.library V53.1
0x5ff15c4c: workbench.library V53.51
0x5ffa89bc: commodities.library V53.1
0x58d1d140: datatypes.library V53.4
0x58cea9d0: Picasso96API.library V53.4
0x58ce9b70: gadtools.library V53.6
0x5fcfcd54: png.iconmodule V53.1
0x58cfb0cc: icon.library V53.13
0x596f3848: version.library V53.11
0x58dc7a40: iffparse.library V53.1
0x5ffb9ccc: locale.library V53.6
0x5ff687ac: diskfont.library V53.4
0x5fcb71a8: petunia.library V53.4
0x5fcb7028: diskcache.library V3.30
0x5fcf7684: dos.library V53.126
0x5ff66534: usbprivate.library V53.12
0x5ff0c23c: massstorage.usbfd V53.13
0x5ff0c1a8: bootkeyboard.usbfd V52.3
0x5ff0c128: bootmouse.usbfd V53.1
0x5ff663ec: hub.usbfd V53.8
0x5ff6633c: usbresource.library V53.12
0x5ff8f5b8: hunk.library V53.4
0x5ff9d354: elf.library V53.19
0x5ff924d0: intuition.library V53.42
0x5ff4c150: rtg.library V53.30
0x5ff988a0: ATIRadeon.chip V53.26
0x5ff98824: PCIGraphics.card V53.5
0x5ffaa7a0: keymap.library V53.3
0x5ff8d500: layers.library V53.7
0x5ffb8420: graphics.library V53.6
0x5ff8f184: nonvolatile.library V53.5
0x5ffab2b8: newlib.library V53.19
0x5ff9e1ac: utility.library V53.3
0x5ffaa0a8: expansion.library V53.1
0x58c5e58e: rexxsyslib.library V53.4 (Legacy)

0x5878f018: ppc440ep_eth.device V53.6
0x5fc5b8f4: ahi.device V6.6
0x5fdbd738: usbdisk.device V53.13
0x5ff9ed10: usbsys.device V53.12
0x5ff8fc30: ehci.usbhcd V53.17
0x5ff8fb90: ohci.usbhcd V53.19
0x5ff8faf0: uhci.usbhcd V53.12
0x5ff8f984: sii3114ide.device V53.15
0x5ffa8338: console.device V53.1
0x5ff9f3f0: ramdrive.device V52.6
0x5ffaa9ec: input.device V53.4
0x5ff683b4: keyboard.device V53.10
0x5ff9f2d0: timer.device V53.1

ClickToFront (Waiting)
Stack: 0x55aad004 - 0x55abcffc, pointer @ 0x55abc9f0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xc000d000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
input.device (Waiting)
Stack: 0x5ff54000 - 0x5ff64000, pointer @ 0x5ff63f00 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
SFS DosList handler (Waiting)
Stack: 0x5fc46004 - 0x5fc48ffc, pointer @ 0x5fc48f20 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
USB stack (Waiting)
Stack: 0x5fed0000 - 0x5fed4000, pointer @ 0x5fed3f20 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xf8007000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
OHCI Controller Task Unit 1 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x5fe13000 - 0x5fe1b000, pointer @ 0x5fe1af20 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xbc009000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
EHCI Controller Task Unit 0 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x5fdf3000 - 0x5fdfb000, pointer @ 0x5fdfaf20 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xbe009000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
OHCI Controller Task Unit 0 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x5fe37000 - 0x5fe3f000, pointer @ 0x5fe3ef20 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xbc009000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
sii3114ide.device - chip 0 port 0 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x5fea3000 - 0x5feab000, pointer @ 0x5feaaf30 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xc0000000, SigWait 0x20000000
State: Task (Waiting)
page_sweep (Waiting)
Stack: 0x5fe4b004 - 0x5fe52ffc, pointer @ 0x5fe52e80 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
sii3114ide.device - chip 0 port 1 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x5fe73000 - 0x5fe7b000, pointer @ 0x5fe7af30 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xc0000000, SigWait 0x00008000
State: Task (Waiting)
ppc440ep_eth Unit 0 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x55b2e004 - 0x55b3effc, pointer @ 0x55b3ef20 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xf6001000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
hid.usbfd (Waiting)
Stack: 0x581f7004 - 0x581feffc, pointer @ 0x581fee90 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xe0000000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
HID Mouse (Waiting)
Stack: 0x581db004 - 0x581eaffc, pointer @ 0x581eaf20 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80001000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
DH0/SmartFilesystem 1.290 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x5fc3f004 - 0x5fc41ffc, pointer @ 0x5fc41eb0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xe0000100, SigWait 0x10000000
State: Process (Waiting)
DH1/SmartFilesystem 1.290 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x5945c004 - 0x5945effc, pointer @ 0x5945eeb0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xe0000100, SigWait 0x10000000
State: Process (Waiting)
USB0/CrossDOSFileSystem 53.7 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x583cf004 - 0x583deffc, pointer @ 0x583deee0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x00010100, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
RAM/ram-handler 53.3 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x592c4004 - 0x592cbffc, pointer @ 0x592cbc90 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xc0000100, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
CD0/CDFileSystem 53.2 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x5fc4d004 - 0x5fc4fffc, pointer @ 0x5fc4ff20 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x00000100, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
reaper.task (Waiting)
Stack: 0x58e38004 - 0x58e3fffc, pointer @ 0x58e3fea0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x00007000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
dos_filedir_notify (Waiting)
Stack: 0x5fc83004 - 0x5fc86ffc, pointer @ 0x5fc86ad0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x40001000, SigWait 0x80000000
State: Process (Waiting)
hid.usbfd (Waiting)
Stack: 0x58203004 - 0x5820affc, pointer @ 0x5820ae90 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xe0000000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
HID Keyboard (Waiting)
Stack: 0x581ab004 - 0x581baffc, pointer @ 0x581baf00 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x90001000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
DH2/SmartFilesystem 1.290 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x5fc54004 - 0x5fc56ffc, pointer @ 0x5fc56eb0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xe0000100, SigWait 0x10000000
State: Process (Waiting)
MainUSB0/CrossDOSFileSystem 53.7 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x583b3004 - 0x583c2ffc, pointer @ 0x583c2eb0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x40000100, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
HID Consumer (Waiting)
Stack: 0x581c7004 - 0x581d6ffc, pointer @ 0x581d6f20 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80001000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
hid.usbfd (Waiting)
Stack: 0x5fd39004 - 0x5fd40ffc, pointer @ 0x5fd40e90 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xe0000000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
pager (Waiting)
Stack: 0x58e14004 - 0x58e33ffc, pointer @ 0x58e33f00 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80001000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
ENV/env-handler 52.2 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x59463004 - 0x59465ffc, pointer @ 0x59465e00 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
MassStorage Device Task (Waiting)
Stack: 0x5fcbb000 - 0x5fcc3000, pointer @ 0x5fcc2e70 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xf3009000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
CON/con-handler 53.1 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x545fb004 - 0x5460affc, pointer @ 0x5460ade0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80000100, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
console.device (Waiting)
Stack: 0x5feab000 - 0x5feb3000, pointer @ 0x5feb2f70 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xf0000000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
URL/launch-handler 53.32 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x582aa004 - 0x58324ffc, pointer @ 0x5831fac0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
RANDOM/Random-Handler 52.1 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x58339004 - 0x58348ffc, pointer @ 0x58348ef0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x00000100, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
CON/con-handler 53.1 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x4cfbe004 - 0x4cfcdffc, pointer @ 0x4cfcdde0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xa0000100, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
CON/con-handler 53.1 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x55951004 - 0x55960ffc, pointer @ 0x55960de0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80000100, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
CON/con-handler 53.1 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x55a40004 - 0x55a4fffc, pointer @ 0x55a4fde0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80000100, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
CON/con-handler 53.1 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x5636d004 - 0x5637cffc, pointer @ 0x5637cde0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80000100, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
CON/con-handler 53.1 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x563de004 - 0x563edffc, pointer @ 0x563edde0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80000100, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
CON/con-handler 53.1 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x5645b004 - 0x5646affc, pointer @ 0x5646ade0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80000100, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
AUDIO/AHI-Handler 6.2 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x5818c004 - 0x5819bffc, pointer @ 0x5819bec0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x00000100, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
CON/con-handler 53.1 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x59278004 - 0x5927fffc, pointer @ 0x5927fde0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80000100, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
RAW/con-handler 53.1 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x592d0004 - 0x592d7ffc, pointer @ 0x592d7de0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80000100, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
CON/con-handler 53.1 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x592fc004 - 0x59303ffc, pointer @ 0x59303de0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80000100, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
dos_nbmd_process (Waiting)
Stack: 0x5fc92004 - 0x5fc94ffc, pointer @ 0x5fc94f30 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x00001100, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
dos_lock_handler (Waiting)
Stack: 0x5fc8b004 - 0x5fc8dffc, pointer @ 0x5fc8df10 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x00001100, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
RexxMaster [] (Waiting)
Stack: 0x580d2004 - 0x580e1ffc, pointer @ 0x580e1f50 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xc0000000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
TEXTCLIP/textclip-handler 52.2 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x5826c004 - 0x5827bffc, pointer @ 0x5827beb0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
MPlayer audio task (Waiting)
Stack: 0x4d5cb000 - 0x4d5eb000, pointer @ 0x4d5eaf70 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x00800000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
compose.task (Waiting)
Stack: 0x57048000 - 0x57050000, pointer @ 0x5704fde0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x00000010, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
Workbench [Workbench] (Waiting)
Stack: 0x58040004 - 0x5804fffc, pointer @ 0x5804fea0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00008000
State: Process (Waiting)
Workbench DosList Notify (Waiting)
Stack: 0x567b4004 - 0x567c3ffc, pointer @ 0x567c3f40 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x00003000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
ramlib (Waiting)
Stack: 0x58d86004 - 0x58d9effc, pointer @ 0x58d9ef20 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80001000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
BetterString.mcc clipboard server (Waiting)
Stack: 0x54714004 - 0x54716ffc, pointer @ 0x54716ee0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
MUI imagespace screen notify (Waiting)
Stack: 0x54634004 - 0x54643ffc, pointer @ 0x54643d70 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80001000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
ContextMenus Command Dispatcher [ContextMenus Command Dispatcher] (Waiting)
Stack: 0x556f6004 - 0x55705ffc, pointer @ 0x55705f40 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80001000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
string.gadget server (Waiting)
Stack: 0x56790004 - 0x5679fffc, pointer @ 0x5679fdb0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x40000000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
Workbench Clipboard Server (Waiting)
Stack: 0x56874004 - 0x56883ffc, pointer @ 0x56883f00 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
Background CLI [APPDIR:MPlayer] (Ready)
Stack: 0x4d6bf004 - 0x4d7b3ffc, pointer @ 0x4d7b21b0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x00000010, SigWait 0x00000180
State: Process (Ready)
RinghioServer (Waiting)
Stack: 0x55965004 - 0x55984ffc, pointer @ 0x559843a0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xd8001000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
TCP/IP Control (Waiting)
Stack: 0x56227004 - 0x56236ffc, pointer @ 0x56236dc0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xf8009080, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
AmiDock (Waiting)
Stack: 0x56477004 - 0x56486ffc, pointer @ 0x56486910 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x00000100, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
MPlayer Cache task (Waiting)
Stack: 0x4e89a004 - 0x4e919ffc, pointer @ 0x4e919df0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x00000010, SigWait 0x00000080
State: Process (Waiting)
smtube (Waiting)
Stack: 0x53169004 - 0x5447bffc, pointer @ 0x5447afe0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x18001082, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
hub.usbfd (Waiting)
Stack: 0x5fd8b004 - 0x5fd92ffc, pointer @ 0x5fd92f00 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x30000000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
screenblanker.library timing dispatcher (Waiting)
Stack: 0x55a91004 - 0x55aa0ffc, pointer @ 0x55aa0e80 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x00000100, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
[OWB] IconDatabase (Waiting)
Stack: 0x5019f004 - 0x50293ffc, pointer @ 0x50293eb0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x00000010, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
TCP/IP Superserver [TCP/IP Superserver] (Waiting)
Stack: 0x56243004 - 0x56252ffc, pointer @ 0x562529f0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xd0000080, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
ARexx [] (Waiting)
Stack: 0x4e685004 - 0x4e779ffc, pointer @ 0x4e779d60 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x00000100, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
Background CLI [RX] (Waiting)
Stack: 0x4e781004 - 0x4e875ffc, pointer @ 0x4e875e20 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x00000100, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
pthread id 2 [] (Waiting)
Stack: 0x507bc004 - 0x51aceffc, pointer @ 0x51acee70 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x08000000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
ContextMenus [] (Waiting)
Stack: 0x55a6c004 - 0x55a7bffc, pointer @ 0x55a7bc50 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xe0001000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
TCP/IP Configuration (Waiting)
Stack: 0x5802c004 - 0x5803bffc, pointer @ 0x5803be10 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xf8003000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
ASYNCWB (Waiting)
Stack: 0x56416004 - 0x56425ffc, pointer @ 0x56425e80 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80001000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
ScreenBlankerEngine (Waiting)
Stack: 0x56389004 - 0x56398ffc, pointer @ 0x56398be0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xd8001000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
RAWBInfo (Waiting)
Stack: 0x563a9004 - 0x563b8ffc, pointer @ 0x563b8ec0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80001000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
DefIcons (Waiting)
Stack: 0x563fa004 - 0x56409ffc, pointer @ 0x56409dc0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80009000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
« IPrefs » (Waiting)
Stack: 0x58c4e004 - 0x58c5dffc, pointer @ 0x58c5d980 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x0000f000, SigWait 0x20000100
State: Process (Waiting)
TCP/IP Log (Waiting)
Stack: 0x58d0c004 - 0x58d1bffc, pointer @ 0x58d1bf00 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80003000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
ConClip (Waiting)
Stack: 0x58120004 - 0x5812fffc, pointer @ 0x5812feb0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
USB stack Process (Waiting)
Stack: 0x58407004 - 0x58416ffc, pointer @ 0x58416ee0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80001000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
datatypes.library (Waiting)
Stack: 0x58b18004 - 0x58b27ffc, pointer @ 0x58b27f10 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x00001100, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
DST watcher (Waiting)
Stack: 0x58b58004 - 0x58b67ffc, pointer @ 0x58b67f20 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xc0000000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
application.library messageserver (Waiting)
Stack: 0x58bc7000 - 0x58bc7fa0, pointer @ 0x58bc7f10 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xc0000000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
hub.usbfd (Waiting)
Stack: 0x5fd97004 - 0x5fd9effc, pointer @ 0x5fd9ef00 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x30000000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
hub.usbfd (Waiting)
Stack: 0x5fda3004 - 0x5fdaaffc, pointer @ 0x5fdaaf00 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x30000000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
Background CLI [APPDIR:OWB] (Crashed)
Stack: 0x50409004 - 0x504fdffc, pointer @ 0x504fd990 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x0f40d000, SigWait 0x08600180
State: Process (Crashed)
ramlib.support (Waiting)
Stack: 0x58da3004 - 0x58dbbffc, pointer @ 0x58dbbf00 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80005000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
dos_signal_server (Waiting)
Stack: 0x5fc99004 - 0x5fc9bffc, pointer @ 0x5fc9bf10 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x0000f000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
Picasso96 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x58c76004 - 0x58c85ffc, pointer @ 0x58c85d70 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
dos_appdir_server (Waiting)
Stack: 0x5fca0004 - 0x5fca2ffc, pointer @ 0x5fca2d40 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80001000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
idle.task (Ready)
Stack: 0x5ff8e000 - 0x5ff8f000, pointer @ 0x5ff8efd0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x00000000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Ready)
Created:20130918 14:44 by samo79
Assigned:19700101 01:00 to
Fixed:19700101 01:00 by
Closed:19700101 01:00 by
Copyright (c) 2004-2025 by Björn Hagström. All Rights Reserved