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Name:owb pukapuka
Title:Origyn Web Browser, webkit, CSS capable
Created:20080831 19:05 by orgin
 Issue details
Status:Closed FixedStatus Comment:Fixed in 3.16
Title:OWB not storing Cookie information
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MichaelMerkelmaybe the solution here20090302 21:21
ok. i think i found the solution on my side.
i called amigaworld with "http://www.amigaworld.net".
when using "http://amigaworld.net" only (dropping the www prefix) the cookies are loaded. is this a bug in the cookie handling of amigaworld?

thanks and regards
tonywRe: maybe the solution here20090305 00:36

I find that "login" cookies don't work at all. I am using URLs from bookmarks, so the URL is always the same. I have tried setting the CookieCollection.txt tooltype to PROGDIR: and to the Cache partition that I have reserved for OWB.

No matter where the cookies are written to, the cookie text IS updated after logging in to the site and then closing OWB, but if I then open OWB again, I am logged out and have to log in again. This happens on AW.net and amigans.net.

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