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Title:Network browser based on WebKit core with GUI based on MUI.
Created:20110905 17:54 by orgin
 Issue details
Status:ClosedStatus Comment:It works, check comments to report
Title:URLOPEN arexx cmd does not work
Navigate: 1-3 
ChrisHtypos20120828 12:00
I should have written "OPENURL" rather than "URLOPEN", but the ARexx program was correct.

I also forgot to note that this bug prevents OpenURL from working, such that clicking on a URL in (say) SimpleMail does not work if MUI-OWB is already running.
ChrisHwrong arexx command, but bug still exists!20120828 12:09
I was reading the documentation for the wrong OWB (oops). MUI-OWB's says the following:
- OpenURL configuration
Rexx Port: OWB
Open: OPEN NAME="%u"
Open in new window: OPEN NAME="%u" NEWPAGE

HOWEVER, that does not work. The following ARexx program does nothing:
Address OWB.1
OPEN NAME="http://google.co.uk"
Say "Done"

I'm not sure if single-quoted URLs are supported, but if they are then this doesn't work either:
Rx "Address OWB.1; OPEN NAME='http://google.co.uk'"
kas1eRe: wrong arexx command, but bug still exists!20131229 07:36

Sometimes its an OpenURL configuration error. Dont use "OPENURL" command, as its NOT an OWB/Odyssey ARexx command. The right command is "OPEN" (see the readme for details). Quotes (single and double ones) work as expected. Examples:

To open in current window:

ram:> rx "address owb.1; OPEN NAME 'http://google.com'"

To open in new tab:

ram:> rx "address owb.1; OPEN NAME 'http://google.com' NEWPAGE"

Working script example:

Address OWB.1
OPEN NAME "http://google.co.uk"
Say "Done"

Navigate: 1-3 
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