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Title:Network browser based on WebKit core with GUI based on MUI.
Created:20110905 17:54 by orgin
 Issue details
Status:Closed FixedStatus Comment:fixed in upcoming 1.16
Title:Small fonts/tabs behaviour
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broadbluesRE: Small fonts20110907 18:37
I'm seeing this beaviour too. It first shows up with a error requestor usding a very small font.then if you iconify and uniconify all GUI fonts are small (except window title)

The shrunken fonts also affect the MUI settings window for OWB but only for OWB
broadblueshappens on hyperion forums20110910 16:01
I noticed that a particular site this happns regularly on is the hyperion forms.

RazielReproduceable20110916 18:10
Just type "migans.net" in the URL field (or whatever else WRONG spelled and NOT accessable webpage) and that cursed Error Requestor will pop up dragging the small font all over the place untill one closes and restarts OWB.
kas1ebug in mui ?20110918 09:29
After reading this (check post from daveyw), its seems that Ibrowse have the same problems now.

If anyone can found reproducable test case with Ibrowse, that will be very helpfull to trackdown that bug in the mui itself.
kas1eRe: Reproduceable20111018 20:20

Btw, can you try the same one more time after hard-reboot ? Will it be reproducable ? I just trying to reproduce it here on mui from update3, and can't :(
RazielRe: Reproduceable20111030 06:41

I can't make it happen anymore...for me this particular behaviour is gone.

It *could* have been a broken font installation/setup, given that i had lots of font bugs when i first set MUIOWB up.
After this had been fixed it seems the behaviour gone back to normal.

I'll need to test some more, if i ever get back to seeing this i'll report
RazielRe: Reproduceable20111031 13:50

I'm not sure if there was an update to MUIOWB in the meantime?

Anyway this behaviour (drawn from a font bug together with URL completion) has been fixed (for me)
kas1eRe: Reproduceable20111103 15:31

That is strange. I mean there wasn't new muiowb bins or new mui updates.. Maybe some settings was enabled/disabled in muiowb or in the mui itself ? Will be good if you can do fresh install of OS, and of muiowb and try it again. Of course that boring, but dunno how else to fix it (i also can't reproduce it at all on my setup)
RazielRe: Reproduceable20111105 07:44

I'm sorry but i surely won't do a reinstall now that everything is working as it should ;-)

I agree that it must have been some setting that (after some fiddling around) has been set right so it won't bother (or draw bugs) anymore.

It seems it has been fixed in the meantime for everyone...no further reports, are they?
I would simply call one more time for feedback and if there are none, close this item.
If people still have problems they will surely come back to you.

Thank you for MUI OWB btw
kas1ecan't reproduce20131212 16:47
Since upcoming 1.16 there will be no more custom tabs replacement, so all bugs to tabs should gone.
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