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Name:owb pukapuka
Title:Origyn Web Browser, webkit, CSS capable
Created:20080831 19:05 by orgin
 Issue details
Status:Closed FixedStatus Comment:Fixed in 3.27
Title:Extra space issue on searchbar
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joergRe: Extra space issue on searchbar20100502 22:21
Another little issue to report about the searchbar, note that isn't related to the StringView as problem is not present on NetSurf (AFAIK it use the same StringView)
Since NetSuft is GPL it can't use the same StringView.

Well, try to add an extra space before type an address, then press enter, page will not load as is, so it seems that extra space before an address isn't supported under OWB 3.25 :-)
I can't reproduce the problem, for example entering " http://amigans.net/" works here.
samo79Re: Extra space issue on searchbar20100502 22:27

See this:


About the URL try to type it without "http://www."

just type:

amigans.net (add a space before type it)
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