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Name:owb pukapuka
Title:Origyn Web Browser, webkit, CSS capable
Created:20080831 19:05 by orgin
 Issue details
Status:Closed FixedStatus Comment:Fixed in 3.24
Title:Hotkeys don't work if an edit box is currently selected
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joergRe: Hotkeys don't work if an edit box is currently selected20100418 06:11
When browsing, you can hit lamiga-d or alt-d to move the cursor into the URL address bar edit box, or you can hit ctrl-k to move the cursor into the Google quick search edit box. However, if an edit box is already active then this doesn't work.

To reproduce this, hit alt-d or ctrl-k to move the cursor into the URL address bar or Google box and then try switching between the two using the keyboard. It doesn't work.
It doesn't work in active AmigaOS string gadgets (URL and search), either first use <ESC> to disable it and then <alt><d>/<k>, or use the standard AmigaOS shortcuts (<TAB> or <SHIFT><TAB>) instead to switch between the gadgets.

Lamiga-d and lt-d also don't work if the cursor is in a form edit box in an HTML page (although ctrl-k does still work in this case).
Like in the AmigaOS string gadgets enabling <alt><d> and <alt><k> there would make it impossible to enter some chars, for example 'ð' and 'ÿ' (<alt><d> and <alt><k><y> on a german keyboard).
Using <LAmiga><d> and <LAmiga><k> will work in the next AmigaOS version of OWB even if text input in a form is active.
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