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Name:owb pukapuka
Title:Origyn Web Browser, webkit, CSS capable
Created:20080831 19:05 by orgin
 Issue details
Status:ClosedStatus Comment:
Title:Table allineament issues
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joergTable allineament issues20091118 01:34
OWB have some strange issues with the allineament of certain <table> on the form, for example in the Virgilio website some text isn't readable at all,
No matter how often you repeat the same report I can't fix their broken site ;-)

(It's displayed as it should even in the AmigaOS4 port of OWB if you have the web core fonts installed, but if not it's displayed as wrong as in any other brower if you don't have the fonts they want to use, or change font related settings, etc.)
samo79Re: Table allineament issues20091118 02:51

Ehm sorry didn't remember to show you this specific problem before, so is a font related ...

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